How do we start? Well, Rob is a creative soul with a passion for cameras, creativity, and teaching both in a new & different way to help and support students while enhancing the learning process. He also doesn’t eat foods with names that don’t go together, I.e., rice pudding, carrot cake, and banana bread. 

A high energy level partially fueled by coffee, a brain that just won’t stop, and a never ending work ethic make it virtually impossible for him to sit still. While that passion and energy may make it difficult for other adults— it’s exactly what makes him perfect for our students! 

A Veteran of the US Navy, Rob has been obsessed with film & TV all his life, though economic issues and a lack of resources kept him from that career path as a kid. In 2007 technology got to the point with digital cameras and video editing software to allow him to get into the “game”. 

After grinding his way through opportunities as a videographer, Rob and his lifelong friend John Moore created their first company together with a mission to bring more attention to Northern Virginia athletes through video, photo, and a series of weekly YouTube shows. The experience showed them that they could do more for their community.

 In 2019, Rob took a step back from multiple companies to take a video production teaching role and immediately changed his life. That change helped lead to the creation of the Next Up NoVa foundation.

 “The students and personalities in 508 allowed me to be myself and showed me my purpose— help create more creators. I’ve seen the impact it’s had on students and I know the impact it’s had on me. Now, I’m going to do this more.”

With students in film schools and film programs all around the country, award winners, and students working in the industry— the success rate from the programs are staggering. 

 Rob, G, or Mr. G, as he is known to his students, will be a great asset for Next Up NoVa and our students, while driving the rest of us crazy!